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Flash News
New uniforms for Haneda Airport cleaning staff and parking staff
Generates power from sunlight to charge iPhone and Android quickly
“Tokyo Subway Ticket”
Scholarships for high school students,
ASICS “ Run for X ” new TV-CM
Captain Tsubasa RISE OF NEW CHAMPIONS ”second trailer
Tokyo 2020 Olympic Torch Relay
Haruna-chan’s first “Uta no Album”
Actor Ryo Yoshizawa appointed as new commercial character for “Kirin Nama-cha”
Coupy’s 12 color set to match the image of the Shinkansen
Non-contact air input programmable keyboard
Actress Mayu Matsuoka decided to be a commercial talent for “Biofermin VC”
CycleTrip, a home delivery rental service for sports motorcycles
Fantasy × Country Simulation “Brigandine Lunazia Senki”
Chopsticks that reproduce the Shinkansen 700 series “Hashi iron 700 series Shinkansen” released
Cassette conversion player that can play and digitize nostalgic cassette tapes
Emirates flies from Kansai to over 150 cities around the world
Iguazu industrial 3D printer with ultra-high speed modeling (5mm / min)
Fully flat and relaxing space Sky Nest
B. “Reggio”, a shopping style that does not line up with cash registers
Las Vegas to Grand Canyon by Air
Airplane, Helicoptor to Grand Canyon, Antelope Canyon etc.