アメリカのニュース誌トップ記事比較 2021-09-13
ニューヨークタイムス The New York Times
Abortion Ruling Inflames Debate Among Mexicans As soon as the nurse found out that she had an abortion at home, Fernanda García knew she was in danger.https://www.nytimes.com/中絶判決はメキシコ人の間で議論を煽る
ウォールストリートジャーナル The Wall Street Journal
Covid Faces Complicated Path To Become a Routine Illness
Covid-19 might become a routine illness like a common cold or the flu one day, virologists and epidemiologists say. But it will take a lot to get there, and the ferocious spread of the Delta variant that has filled hospitals again shows how challenging that path could be.
フォックスニュース The FOX News
WH abruptly cuts feed when Biden appears to go off script and it’s not the first time it’s happened Biden blames Idaho wildfires on global warming https://www.foxnews.com/バイデンがスクリプトから外れたように見え、WHは突然フィードをカットする、それが起こったのは初めてではない
2021-2-9 各紙のトップニュースは以上でした。